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1.Kimura, R. Dying and Advance Directives in Japan: Socio-Cultural and Legal Point of View. In Advance Directive and Surrogate Decision Making in Transcultural Perspective Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press.
2.Sass, H., Bonkovsky, F., Akabayashi, A. et al. (1996) Advamce Health Care Documents in Multicultural Perspective, Ann. Rev. of Law and Ethics Band 4, 465-508.
3.赤林 朗, 甲斐一郎, 伊藤克人ら, (1997) アドバンス・ディレクティブ (事前指示) の日本社会における適用可能性, 生命倫理 7 (1), 31-40.
4.赤林 朗, 甲斐一郎ら, (1997) アドバンス・ディレクティブ (事前指示) に関する医師の意識調査, 日本医事新報 3842, 24-29.
5.Voltz R., Akabayashi, A., Reese, C., et al. (1997) Organization and patient's perception of palliative care: A crosscultural comparison. Palliative Medicine 11, 351-357.
6.Voltz R., Akabayashi, A., Reese, C., et al. (1998) End-of-life decisions and advance directives in palliative care: A crosscultural survey of patients and health care professionals. Journal of Pain and Symptom Management (in press)
7.Olick, R. S., Kimura, R., Kielstein, J. T. et al. (1996) Advance Care Planning and the ALS Patient: A Cross-cultural Perspective on Advance Directives. Ann. Rev. of Law and Ethics Band 4, 529-552.
8.Kimura, R. (1996) Death and Dying in Japan. Kennedy Institute of Ethics Journal 6, 374-378.
