A Survey Report on Ethics Committees by JFBA
In May of 1986, the JFBA conducted a survey on ethics committees in Japan. Some results of this survey are as follows (Japan Federation of Bar Associations, 1986, pp. 56-78):
__1.__The committee's responsibilities include guideline development and the review of each protocol (70%).
__2.__The average number of committee members is ten, the most frequent number is eight.
__3.__The Dean of the Medical School and/or Hospital Director is a member of the committee (88%).
__4.__The average number of non-university affiliated members is 1.7 members.
__5.__The committee is comprised of male members only (78%).
__6.__The committee is comprised of medical faculty members only (20%) or of medical faculty members plus other faculty in the same university (50%).
__7.__Unanimous agreement by the attending members of the committee is required (71%).
__8.__There is no appeal from committee decision (71%).
__9.__Committees impose no penalties on investigators if investigators disregard the final decisions of the committees (78%).
_10.__Committees take no responsibility for research-related injuries to subjects (54%).
_11.__Committee meetings are open to the public (0%); open with stipulations (29%); or closed (59%).
_12.__There is disclosure of the deliberation process and results in the case of decisions with conditions attached (71%).
_13.__No guidelines have been developed for organ transplantation (80%).
_14.__The duration of the review process is from one to seven months.
_15.__The number of meetings required for making a final decision on a protocol ranges from one to eleven.