- 難民の健康及び医療と日本の役割 -
- Refugee's Health Care Issues and the Role of Japan -
Japan contributes a great amount of funding for many international refugee organizations such as UNHCR (US $ 72 million in 1989), UNBRO (US $ 27 million in 1989), UNRWA (US $ 16 million in 1989) and ICRC (US $ 15 million in 1989). However, Japan's rigid immigration policy of unwillingness to accept refugees has been internationally criticized. Japan reluctantly ratified "The United Nations Convention relating to the Status of Refugees" (1951) in 1982. Relevant domestic legal amendments for social security benefits etc. for refugees and foreign residents in Japan have been made since that year. Japan needs to have more open domestic and international policies toward such things as emerging refugee issues focusing particularly on their health and medical service needs and migration of foreign labor power. The Japanese accumulation of experience in human resources in the developing aids program since 1960's is not yet ample. The use of these experts in GOs and NGOs for the work of refugee services should be strongly encouraged as an expression of Japanese contributions to the global community. In the International Symposium on Health Care for the Displaced Persons and Refugees, organized by Georgetown University together with UN, UNHCR, WHO, ICRC, and PAHO, the author who was a panelist in the plenary session and resource person in the group session proposed three bioethical perspectives to be applied in the field of refugee health care services : 1. Respect for the refugee's cultural and value system and recognition of the importance of "supra-interdisciplinary" bioethical approach in health care problems are needed. Staff experts should be strongly encouraged to acquire language skills necessary for successful health communication. 2. Bioethical principle of autonomy should be secured for each refugee and assistance for independent living in a community should be systematically arranged through national and international codes of standard for the protection of human rights. 3. Bioethical analysis of just distribution of medical and human resources must have priority reviews including the participation of the refugees themselves. Relevant medical, social and legal reform in a community for the care of refugees as well as foreign workers should be done as soon as possible.
Refugees, Refugee Health Care, Medical Services, Bioethics, United Nations, UNHCR, WHO, NGOs, Human Rights, Migrant Workers, Undocumented Aliens, Japan.
難民, 難民ヘルスケア, 医療, バイオエシックス, 国際連合, 国連難民高等弁務官事務所, 世界保健機構, 非政府機関, 人権, 移民労働者, 資格外滞在外国人, 日本 |
はじめに |
I. 地球市民としての難民の受け入れ |
II. 難民救援と日本の財政的・人的資源の問題 |
III. 難民の医療及び保健とバイオエシックス |
1. 難民が帰属する特定の文化、価値観、倫理との関わりで健康・医療問題及び政策に超学際的なバイオエシックスの視座からアプローチすべきこと。スタッフは難民の使用言語に習熟すること。
2. バイオエシックスにおける「自己決定の原理」に基づき難民の人としての尊厳と自立への援助の重要性を認識すべきこと。特に宗教的背景への理解。 3. 医療資源の公正な配分を目指すバイオエシックスの原理に沿った難民受け入れ国の社会・医療システムの合理化。 |
1. 最優先事項:
食料、水、住居、衛生などを確保すること。 2. 健康の増進: 難民の患者への臨機応変の治療処置のみでなく、より長期のスケールによる難民の病気予防、健康増進及び保健教育のための財政的措置を行うこと。 3. 計画への参加: 難民自身が難民医療・保健・救援計画に積極的に参加すべきこと。 4. 相互協力の推進: 難民救援のための国連、政府機関及び非政府機関 (NGOs) のスタッフやボランティア間の人的・組織的に緊密な相互協力を目指し再組織化を推進すること。 5. 専門家の役割: 医療・保健専門家の難民救援活動における役割の重要性を再認識し、派遣諸団体の都合よりも難民の医療と健康を優先する立場から難民受け入れ当事国の方針と方策を尊重しつつ建設的提言、実践、引き継ぎ等を行うこと。 6. 受療の不公正の是非: 難民受け入れ国との医療・保健政策の調整を行うこと。 7. 難民のための教育と研修: 難民の医療及び保健という専門分野における人材の養成と教育の重要性及び緊急性に基づき国際的に人的資源を蓄積するとともに、難民の中からも相応しい人材を求めるなどの措置を講ずること。 特に女性スタッフの養成に力を尽くすこと。 |
おわりに - 人権運動としての難民医療活動 |
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