My Bookreport on Veatch R. M., "A Theory of Medical Ethics", New York, Basic Books, 1981. |
目 次 |
Chapter 2: The Dominant Western Competitors (鶴若さん発表分) Chapter 5: The Triple Contract: A new Foundation for Medical Ethics (文研/藤沢さん発表分) Chapter 8: The Principle of Autonomy (伊沢さん発表分) Chapter 9: The Principle of Honesty (東門さん発表分) Chapter 10: The Principle of Avoiding Killing (柳原さん発表分) Chapter 13: Is Every Case in Medical Ethics Unique (仙波さん発表分) Chapter 14: A Draft Medical Ethical Covenant (河原発表分) 参考文献及びインターネット参照URL (本レポート用)